Reena’s Exploration Challenge #161

Reena’s Exploration Challenge #161

Welcome back to light!


We celebrate Diwali – the festival of lights in India, while America celebrates a new President. 

Light can mean different things to different people, just like the election results in any country.

James Baldwin says,

 One discovers the light in the darkness, 
 that is what darkness is for; 
 but everything in our lives depends 
 on how we bear the light. 
 It is necessary, while in darkness, 
 to know that there is a light somewhere, 
 to know that in oneself, 
 waiting to be found, there is a light. 
 What the light reveals is danger, 
 and what it demands is faith. 

I invite you to meditate on light this week, and share your take on the subject.

The piece you generate can be fiction, poetry, essay, art, photographs or anything else that your creativity brings forth.

Write a post on your blog, and copy-paste the link in Comments. In case you are using a pingback, do check back to see if it has worked.

Last, but not least, don’t forget to tag the post “Reena’s Exploration Challenge” for easy location in the blog roll.


Ramya Vivek at

#343. TRAPPED – A Flash Fiction

Sadje at

The Bag Lady at

Happy Soul at

My comfort place

Susi Bocks at

Jim Adams at

A Long Way Down

Eugenia at

relaxitsallwrite at

Should’ve Said Goodbye

rivrvlogr at

Radhika at

What an Experience!

Indira at

HALLUCINATIONS- Reena’s Exploration Challenge #160

Reena Saxena at


Aishwarya at


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