Reena’s Exploration Challenge #138

Welcome back to another week of creativity!

It was great to get a peek into writers’ journeys last week.

As the saying goes,

There is no fiction greater than truth, and no truth greater than fiction.

Writers juggle between truth, presentation of truth and different versions of the same truth. We look at things from different perspectives, and then choose our own version. The format, platform and audience can all influence the presentation.

So, here we go for this week


“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women are players. They have their entries and exits” famously said Shakespeare.

Shakespeare got it all wrong. Life is what we choose, and everything else is just existence.

Well, I just noticed that Shakespeare has not used the word “life” anywhere. The Master knew what he was talking about.

All you need to do is just think how the above lines gel with or rub against your thought process. Then, start writing and there you are with your piece.

As usual, there is no restriction on the length or format of the piece.

Write a blog on your post, and link to this one – by creating a pingback or copy-pasting the link in Comments section.

Tag the post Reena’s Exploration Challenge, to enable easy location in the blog roll.


hecblogger at

rivrvlogr at

Jade Li/Lisa at

Sadje at

Reena Saxena at

Writer’s Cave

Punam at


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Len at

Deepa at

VJ Knutson at

Susi Bocks at

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