Reena’s Exploration Challenge #133

We lost two actors within 24 hours, in the last two days. Irrfaan Khan Irrfan Khan His international projects were The Warrior (2001), The Namesake (2006), The Darjeeling Limited (2007), the Academy Award winning film Slumdog Millionaire (2008), New York, I Love You (2009), The Amazing Spider-Man (2012), Life of Pi (2012), Jurassic World (2015) and Inferno (2016).  We lost him to neuro-endocrine tumors in the brain. Rishi Kapoor Rishi Kapoor He … Continue reading Reena’s Exploration Challenge #133

Fear of Death

I continue the poem after the first three lines Sometimes as an antidoteTo fear of death,I eat the stars. stars tell different stories not all nice but it keeps me awake all night to think to reminisce to dream   Idly, I wonder if the other world is a better place and the stars testify … Continue reading Fear of Death

Under the Stars

Under the stars …. by Len

Responding to Reena’s challenge # 132 regarding stars as an antidote to fear of death.

The full moon peaked gently through the window wondering if the old man was awake. The old man responding to the moons warm glow stirred himself from bed slipping off the oxygen mask. He dressed and searched for the small bottle of brandy hidden under his socks in the dresser. Slipping the bottle into his pocket as he exited the room he shuffled down the corridor towards the main entrance. The night warden was snoring gently at his desk as the old man stole quietly past, exiting the nursing home by the front door. Breathing harshly he labored to complete the half mile to the field at the entrance to the woods and dropped exhausted to the ground propping his back against the trunk of a giant oak.

Away from the lights of the…

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#NaPoWriMo Day 28: When there is nothing but memories

The Best Rooms are too X-rated. by Experience Writing

Experience Writing

Screenshot_2020-04-28 'In one ear and out the other' Poster by marialberg In One Ear and Out the Other print from photograph of fabric glass by Maria L. Berg staged by Redbubble

The poem

The Best Rooms Are Too X-rated

Thinking through the bedrooms
so many bedrooms
moving and moving
trying to make something mine
I tried to settle on one
to mentally linger, loiter
describe in detail
like a capsule through time

I wanted it to be a happy place
full of growth and creative industry
accomplishment or at least good dreams
and for a moment I settled on your room
that first room
with only a mattress on the floor
we sat together in the chair
and blew bubbles through the fan
That room didn’t need anything else
for a few weeks

Then I thought of our room
before the storm
the tall ceilings and

I realized that all of the best rooms
the very best rooms
are too X-rated

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Happy outcomes

Happy outcomes …. By Aishwarya

Kitty's Verses

Visualising positive morrows,


Periods of pain of present,

Smell of freshly watered Earth capturing life,

Spirited songs of a songbird signalling strength,

Set spirits soaring sky-high.

Hues of nature,

Paleness to vibrancy,

Teaches immense patience,

Promising unexpected potential,

Anticipating happy outcomes,

Turns a frown,

From fright instantly,

To an ecstatic yearning.

51 words.

Acknowledgements :- Thank you Reena Saxena for running the challenge at Reena’s Exploration Challenge # 132 . For rules please refer here. Thank you all for stopping by and reading.

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Reena’s Exploration Challenge # 132

Sharing Thoughts

Would you like to write something in a similar spirit, or just carry this ahead – in prose or poetry? Can you think of a story or anecdote or historical tale on the same theme? It should basically be a story of survival strategies.

Instead of driving the fears out of my way, I allowed them to drive me into failure, depression, and low self-esteem.

Then one day I decided to face my fears, and drive them away before they make me crazy.

And I found out that it was my fears that made the things look difficult,  bigger, and frightening than they were in reality.

Driveaway the fear with courage because 

Vulnerable is the mightiest,
Helpless is the seer,
Insecure is the richest,
When driven by the fear

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Reena’s Exploration Challenge #131

Indira’s contribution to Exploration Challenge #131

Sharing Thoughts

Reena’s Exploration Challenge #131


I give below a situation. You may take it as a part of your piece – beginning, middle, or end.

He had lost everything of value to him. There was an empty canvas on the easel, his colors and tools. What would he paint?


Lost everything of value
or valuables, but
Not the core values
and learned skills
nothing to lament 
at least there is 
the canvas
and tools
and nature
to be explored
change the mindset
may dawn
dawns on

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I’ll Sit This One Out

I’ll sit this one out.

One Woman's Quest

Death invites me to dance
extends crooked hand
for crooked hand
takes the gentlemen’s lead

I know his moves –
have watched a time or two
even partnered a few
long, slow waltzes

But I prefer to tango
like the spice and thrill
of life’s lively step
bid him, politely, to move on.

(For Reena’s Exploration challenge: Antidotes to Fear of Death.  Also linking up to Eugi’s Causerie Weekly prompt: dancing.  Image my own)

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