
Whatever you fear most has no power
It is your fear that has power

To send you off on unwanted tangents
To make you think of improbable things
To transfer your fears to others
Instilling negativity

Whatever has to happen will happen
Your fear is about your powerlessness
In the face of change
But change is what will drive you
To the next phase
Welcome change…

We must travel in the direction of our fears…

Written for dVerse MTB

Quotes used

15 thoughts on “Fear

  1. Your words here are beautiful friend. Two quotes that I like concerning fear are:

    Psalm 34:4
    “I sought the Lord, and he answered me
    and delivered me from all my fears”.

    Philippians 4:13
    ” I can do all things through him who strengthens me”.

    While we can try to do things on our own, God is able to help us in dealing with our fears. God is able to put things in order for us and to make things work out for our good. To overcome fear, we need to put God first. God is the king and there is nothing impossible for him to do.

    If anyone reading is interested in building a relationship with God, I have a post on that here: https://christcenteredruminations.wordpress.com/2018/08/29/how-to-build-a-relationship-with-god/

    There is much more to know about God. I post frequently on my blog about topics related to God. You are welcome to follow my blog to keep up with my content.

    -All the best. May God bless you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I was just at a conference where they posited that we have to move away from managing or mitigating change to embracing it. Your poem reinforces this truth. Thank you so much for joining us to share this powerful message!

    Liked by 1 person

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