Reena’s Xploration Challenge #318

Welcome back!

I was fiddling around with an app, and it generated some images presumably from my profile pic, but thEse are certainly not me.

I could create fictional characters from these to build stories though 🙂

Michelangelo made a famous comment on his iconic statue of David – “I chipped off everything that was not David.” I firmly believe that what we choose not to be defines us. It makes us the magnificent people we are today.

The theme we have for this week is

What I am not…

Alternatively, you can play the same game on the Facebook app “My Puzzles”, generate images of yourself and share your comments/reflections on the same. Sounds like fun?

I’d advise you to delete the app later, as they continue to extract data from your profile otherwise. I don’t recommend getting addicted to these apps. It’s your choice.

There is no restriction on the format of the piece. There is no last date either unless you wish to be featured in the Weekly Wrap. 

Any post that is found to be offensive, vulgar or something that hurts common sensibilities will not be included. This needs to be a safe space.

Create a post on your blog, and copy-paste the link in Comments. In case you are using a pingback, do check back to see if it has worked.


I’m happy to share that a paperback version of my book “Unlock the Wealth Mindset: Master Money Habits” is now available on, for those of you in the USA.

If you choose to read the book, a review on Amazon would be highly appreciated.


Jim Adams at

Ami Offenbacher at

Diana Coombes at

David at

Eugi at

Susi Bocks at

Michelle Ayon Navajas at

Sadje at

Arpita Roy at

Sadje at

Lorraine at

Jennifer at

Saroj Salelkar at

Aishwarya at

Destiny at

Reena Saxena at

Dan at

1994ever at

Esther Edith at

59 thoughts on “Reena’s Xploration Challenge #318

  1. Pingback: Death – michnavs

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