Gurus and followers

Jim Rohn said it long back, “You are the average of five people close to you, ” and it includes the authors, speakers, gurus you are influenced by.

I keep writing and revising the list, wondering if I’m on the right path, or do I need to change it to meet my goals. 

It’s a revelation that friends and family do not figure in the list – maybe it hurts them to know that and it pains me that after living decades I still feel lost around the people supposedly closest to me.

It takes me half a decade to come to grip with the fact, that the self will absorb or reflect only what matches my fundamental value system, and it’s not a surprise if others fall by the wayside.

This is where the gurus fail us – they don’t mention that one needs to build a strong sense of self before finding that productive network. 

It defeats their purpose of finding followers.

It’s Six Sentence Story Thursday Link Up!

23 thoughts on “Gurus and followers

  1. Deep thoughts, Reena. It seems to me that the cluster of five often changes through the years and from each cluster we learn more about who we really are, and what is most important to us, and what we are willing to embrace or not.

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  2. One of your best ever pieces, Reena. This line struck me deeply. ‘It’s a revelation that friends and family do not figure in the list – maybe it hurts them to know that and it pains me that after living decades I still feel lost around the people supposedly closest to me.’ Truly insightful.

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      1. I don’t know about clusters but not feeling connected to your family is, I believe, far more common than people are prepared to talk about. Of course, at its extreme, who hasn’t wondered if they might be secretly adopted. 😉

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