Reena’s Xploration Challenge #234

Welcome to a change in season!

Human temperaments seem to change throughout the year, as we witness an increase in abnormal behavior. Can isolation be a reason?

I came across a clip from an old movie “Cast Away”. The protagonist who finds himself alone on an island, starts talking to a ball and names the ball Wilson. In a fit of rage, he throws away the ball.

Then, he goes around maniacally wanting Wilson to come back. The need of a human being to communicate with some one is emphasized. Here’s the clip of 1+ minute.

What does it have to do with our weekly prompt?

The theme for RXC#234 is

Isolation, Communication, Conversations

You get the drift. Come up with wherever your thought process takes you.

There is no restriction on length or format of the piece. There is no last date either, unless you wish to be featured in the Weekly Wrap. 

Any post that is found to be offensive, vulgar or something that hurts common sensibilities will not be included. This needs to be a safe space.

Create a post on your blog, and copy-paste the link in Comments. In case you are using a pingback, do check back to see if it has worked.

The feminists, humanists and individualists amongst you are welcome to follow us at

Empowered Women


Mich Navajas at

Moonie at

Jim Adams at

Susi Bocks at

Eugenia at

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Britta Benson at

Diana Coombes at

Paula Light at

Sadje at

Reena Saxena at

Sangeetha at

Aishwarya at

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