Glass door

She aced cricket, topped the class in Mechanical Engineering, and moved on to become CEO of a company. Our friends teasingly refer to me as Prince Philip, the one who walks a step behind his wife.  I’m happy to be her support, the ‘man behind her success’.

News channels speak of the largest corruption scandal in the country, and it is alleged that she is at the helm of it. It cracks me up to think that  the woman who slept besides me was changing, in ways not known to me.

How I wish she’d never smashed this glass door….

(100 words)


Friday Fictioneers

26 thoughts on “Glass door

  1. I like your use of glass in so many ways. The figurative glass ceiling/door that she broke through, the word “cracked,”, the transparency with which her misdeeds are now revealed, even “etched” in your comment. I love the Prince Phillip comment too. He will suffer public humiliation , too, even if his hands arent dirty.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I didn’t get the glass ceiling-glass door comparison at first. Glad I read others’ comments. Yes, great story where “male man” takes the place usually given to women. But why accuse him of being the bad evil inspiration of what she does? I particularly like the phrase “It cracks me up to think that the woman who slept besides me was changing, in ways not known to me.” Many thanks for this take.


    1. In the real-life high profile cases that I hear, a male partner is either the driver or implementer of nefarious plans. So you are close to it …. though I’ve not etched this character as negative.


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