The Paper Story

Card paper stacked up in a corner of the stationery shop looks forlorn. It is holiday season, and the kids are away. There are no school projects or fun time activity that needs paper. Anyway, the kids are far more digital than we are.

I can almost hear the paper speak …

I have lost my association with cards, as cards go plastic, magnetic and electronic. Going green, once meant having a paperless office. Now, the ban on plastic compels the use of paper in packaging. Environmental awareness is a relative term. My identity and relevance keeps changing with the environment. No longer do I enjoy the sanctity of an official document, a precious book, a love note to be preserved or the memory of a child’s earlier years. Preservation takes less space than I needed. Deleting is less toxic than burning. Life’s compact.

But, I plan to make a comeback soon. Houses will have cardboard walls, so that we can create rooms to suit our needs. Concrete is oh-so-outdated. How about make-shift desks or storage space?

And, please don’t chop tree trunks to create me – there is always recycling.

Can you think of something more to help me live?



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