
“Can I meet one of the seniors before I join?”

“Sure! They are happy to meet prospective employees.”

I find myself opposite the legendary whistle-blower of the topmost bank. I forgot to blink.

“I know, kid! Many people believed that no other firm will offer me employment after that courtroom battle. But this is a company that values integrity. Integrity doesn’t mean just not stealing. It means that your thoughts, words and actions always match.”

Now, this was a tough one. Most of us cannot lay claim to such a lofty value system.

“Actually, I have another offer, Sir…..”

(99 words)


September 6 – Flash Fiction Challenge

16 thoughts on “Epic

  1. I like this philosophy, Reena: “Integrity doesn’t mean just not stealing. It means that your thoughts, words and actions always match.” However, I worry for what is going to be offered to the character next. Great flash!

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