Reena’s Exploration Challenge #167

Welcome to much-awaited 2021! Wish you all a very Happy New Year, brimming with creativity and more freedom than you had in the year that passed away!

+1 is always good. 2020+1 seems better. I hope we are able to say Thank You, 2021 — You were the best.

Well, we go ahead with the Exploration Challenge as usual, finding a way to connect with your brilliance every week. I’ve just changed the cover pic, just for that feel of something new.


I woke up in 2021 ….

Take it ahead in any manner you like – fiction, fantasy, poetry, essay, reflections or art.

Create a post on your blog, and copy-paste the link in Comments. In case you are using a pingback, do check back to see if it has worked.

Last, but not least, don’t forget to tag the post “Reena’s Exploration Challenge” for easy location in the blog roll.


Jim Adams at

Reverse Strategy

Eugenia at

Susi Bocks at

Radhika at

Inky Tales!

Lady Lee at

Reena’s Exploration Challenge #166 – Writing is like dancing

Indira at

Inkblots- Reena’s Exploration Challenge #166

Sadje at

Happy Soul at

Do you see it?

VJ Knutson at

Punam at

Ugly truths

Ken/rivrvlogr at

Shilpa Nairy at

Rejuvenation #Colours of Nature

Aishwarya at

Is it real?

38 thoughts on “Reena’s Exploration Challenge #167

    1. same old ailments, no cure in sight
      what’s new in the New Year’s light?

      They still don’t want to meet me
      No pity or compassion on my plight

      They ask for a declaration of purpose
      How can they read, what I did not write?

      I don’t see honest shades of guilt
      eyes not moist, but probe my psyche

      You ask me for what I lost
      It was your jest, and just my life…


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