Reena’s Exploration Challenge #156 – Time.

Time …. by Michael


You’ve all the time you need

No I don’t.

Yes you do,

Its not infinite you know, there’s only so much allotted to me.

Then don’t waste it, use it wisely

I keep telling myself that as I sit and ponder,

You ponder far too much

Its what I’m good at.

You’ve strengths, you know you have

But is that enough

Depends on what you want to achieve

I don’t know that I want to achieve anything but simply exist

Then do that but to the best of your ability.

Sometimes its just words, random words,

That’s all we can do, and hope they mean something.

I think it’s about feeling good within

Of course, and time will tell you if you are successful.

I want that as much as anything else,

A goal, you have a goal, for forth young man.

Use my time productively,

Yes indeed.

Written for:…

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