Reena’s Exploration Challenge #146

What a week of raw, unbridled, free-flowing ‘cryptic’ creativity!

This has been the best week in the history of Exploration Challenge, and the award goes to …. All of you!

Thank you for walking the distance with me, and letting yourself flow in the most magnificent manner.


I was seeing some works of art shared on Instagram, and the word/art form that caught my fancy is 


Here is a video introducing ‘cubism’ for the uninitiated.

A few images to catch your fancy….


It feels like the ‘mother of all arts’ to me – to break up an image into pieces with imagination, yet giving it multifarious faces and surfaces and angles to express itself. The parts make it far more comprehensive and powerful than a single, uninspiring whole.

I would like to learn this art someday. This is not an informative post on the subject, since I do not know much about it. It is just my fascination and awe of the art form.

Meanwhile, let the word, pictures, symbolism, intricacies and the artist’s struggle inspire you to write something.

I am fine with anything from a caption to a poem/story to an essay. Or just another painting which moved your imagination.

Delve within to create without.

Happy writing!


Write a post on your blog. Copy-paste the link in Comments secton. If you have created a ping back, do check to see if it has appeared.


Reena Saxena at

Wasted Songs – Reena Saxena

As you see it – Reena Saxena

Jade Li/Lisa at

Sadje at

Reena’s Exploration Challenge-145- Cryptic Poetry – Keep it alive

The Bag Lady at

Reena’s Exploration Challenge 145 – Cryptic – The Bag Lady

Rivrvlogr at

patent, as in open | rivrvlogr

Hecblogger at

The conclusion – Playing with words


Self Interest – Playing with words


One day I will – Playing with words

Susie Bocks at

My Gift To You – I Write Her

Eugenia at

The tipping point – Eugi’s Causerie II

Eugenia at

Jen Goldie at

“Reticent” ©J.E.Goldie Reena’s Exploration Challenge #145 – cryptic – July 23 2020 |

Better than Beauty – Very Important Stuff Here

s.s. at

dusk ~ a tanka – Mindfills

Gdutta at

Punam at

Guess who! | paeansunpluggedblog

Christine Bolton at

Judeitakali at

VJ Knutson at

Aishwarya at

Or – Kitty’s Verses

Len at

Petrified –

38 thoughts on “Reena’s Exploration Challenge #146

    1. Looks like I missed it on 23rd July. I was in transit, moving to my brother-in-law’s place who has not been well. I find that comments are closed now. ‘Reticent Breath’ is a lovely expression.


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