Reena’s Exploration Challenge #142

Welcome back!

I’m happy to see the myriad directions in which floating colours took us, in the last one week. New participants too, got pulled in the whirlpool.

Let us see, if we can recreate some of the magic this week.


The genie is not getting back in the bottle

Yes, the line above is your theme or prompt for the week. Twist it any way, try to push it back, experiment with formats and words and let us see the story that emerges.

Write a post on your blog, copy-paste the link in Comments. If you are creating a ping-back, check back to see if it has worked. There have been cases of ping-backs not working, 

Go on, uncork your creativity….



Tessa Dean at

Sadje at

Susi Bocks at

Richa Thankey at

The Unseen Reaction

Rivrvlogr at

Hecblogger at


Joe M at


Usha at

Reena’s Exploration Challenge #141 — Reena Saxena

Eugenia at

Jade Li/Lisa at

Tired hamster at

Small Reaction

VJ Knutson at

Aishwarya at

Jars of mind

Len at

Shilpa Nairy at


34 thoughts on “Reena’s Exploration Challenge #142

    1. Translated to English

      I felt compelled to confess my love
      She turned away with a victorious smile

      She passed judgement after her plea
      Waiting for my turn to speak futile…

      Why did I untangle her tresses?
      Knotting up my life – not worthwhile

      What could I do to assess her depth?
      Shallowness showed beneath surface fragile

      I would have seen, internalised with care
      Only if I knew …. it was the last view…
      I will never ever see this angle, this profile…

      Liked by 1 person

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