What was she thinking?

I am the maitre-d’hotel at this place, and I hate it.

I count the cups once again. The shortfall needs to be billed to a poor guy who cannot afford a paycut. What a Scrooge is the owner of this place!

1,2,3,4 … big … small … I count again, and report all is okay. The count does not tally, but who cares? I’ll find a way to replace it tomorrow. The lady next door is kind, and has saved the jobs of many people. I wonder what was she thinking about when she married the owner of this place.

(100 words)


Friday Fictioneers

32 thoughts on “What was she thinking?

  1. Your reference to counting cups took me back to my teen job at a fast food joint. When you pay your employees as little as you can get away with, and boss them around so that they feel undervalued and threatened, all for the sake of productivity, is it any wonder that you are repaid in kind, with missing inventory and continuous turnover? That said, every job can teach us valuable lessons, the most valuable of which is what not to do, when we are the boss!


  2. ahhh – I forgot about how some businesses are so miserly to where it hurts the little guy – and I like how counting cups was presented and you gave us a feel for the maitre-d and the owner and the two others – nice

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