Reena’s Exploration Challenge #Week 12

Welcome to Reena’s Exploration Challenge #Week 12

Last week, we dealt with a situation, how we view it and the impact on our life.

This week, we explore a person and how s/he impacts our personality and perspective on life. It could be a pet, since we have strong emotional bonds with these lovely souls.

Here’s the prompt

If you were asked to share one experience you had with someone you knew which was experienced as a gift or transmission, what memory would that be? Close your eyes and see what arises. Which gift will you pass on?

Exploration Challenge 12.jpg

If you do not wish to publish personal details, you can change the visibility to Private Post, and keep it as a part of your personal library. The option has been added, only to include more people in the journey, who are weary of sharing personal stories. Guidelines for publishing options are available here.

We shall be glad if you do share, and everybody benefits from your mental journey. What interests me is the journey it sets you on, and the healing impact it has on you as an individual.  The challenge will continue, as long as possible, even if I do not see any entries linked up to the post.

If you are not sharing your post, just let us know how did you feel at the end of it?

There are no restrictions on the format, size of post or last date. Feel free to join in, whenever the urge strikes.


And here’s the round-up of last week.

Neel at

Sangbad at

Patricia at

Jane Basil at

Michael at

Eugenia at

Reena Saxena at

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